Ride With US – #YesImAHorseGirl
With the initiative #YesImAHorseGirl, we wanted to encourage horse lovers to own the stereotypes surrounding the term “horse girl”. Even if our surveys revealed, that there’s still an unfair belief of what a horse girl is, it also showed all the perks you get from being a part of the equestrian world. Whether online or offline, you build your self-esteem, resilience, and other qualities fundamental to learning and development.
We wanted to engage our amazing global community to help us spread the initative, so players could share their stories about being a "horse girl" under the hashtag, download actionkit and collect an exclusive free campaign hoodie to wear in-game, and for every hoodie claimed, we donated 1SEK to Child helpline international.
#YesImAHorseGirl was an initiative to own and embrace any stereotypes surrounding horse girls and a part of the communication platform Ride With Us.
Created at Star Stable Entertainment AB